Extreme Weather, Economics and the Arctic
Last Friday, the Guardian published a short piece by two colleagues and me in its EcoAudit, “Why has British weather been so bad?” Here is the complete piece that we sent to the Guardian, which includes a bit more about … Continued
We need a strong and sustained carbon price to combat climate change
In Business Green last week Tom Burke argued that a narrow cost-benefit analysis and an obsession with carbon pricing is steering politicians away from the action climate change demands, but he appears to misunderstand what he is criticising. It is … Continued
What Matt Ridley won’t tell you about climate change impacts
Matt Ridley has a short piece in this week’s Spectator entitled Why climate change is good for the world. In it, he draws heavily on one paper by the Climate Economist Richard Tol, claiming that this paper supports his view that … Continued
‘An evidence-based approach to pricing CO2’ could benefit from some evidence
The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) is a think-tank associated with noted climate dissentient Lord Lawson. So it is somewhat surprising to see it publishing a paper arguing for a carbon tax today. Most of the paper, by Ross McKitrick, … Continued
How much will the world benefit from Obama’s climate plan?
On 25 June 2013, President Obama made a major speech on climate change whose over-arching goal was to put the US on track to meet its commitment to cut carbon emissions 17% from 2005 levels by the end of the decade. … Continued
Is the US China HFC deal a big deal for the climate?
The BBC today reported a new US China deal to phase out HFCs, and claimed that it ‘could, by itself, curb global temperatures by 0.5 degrees Celsius. No small achievement.’ The White House press release says the deal could ‘potentially reduce some 90 … Continued